Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter + Easter on Animal Crossing New Leaf

I just wanted to wish Happy Easter everyone!!! 

I know it's already Easter Monday but i didn't have much time yesterday to write this post. Now i'm in Florence for my Easter holidayss! I come here every year... It is actually the place where i grew up! I have friends and family here, so i always feel very welcomed and nostalgic...

I'm staying for an entire week, but i'll be sure to take a lot of pictures to post hehe, cameras ready!

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I had 1.30h of spare time during my train trip from Rome to Florence, i didn't have any books and i forgot my earphones, so i played my beloved Animal Crossing the whole time.
I think i completed the Easter quest almost 100%! So here i'm sharing some tips and facts about this special holiday game!

If you missed this special event i recommend to switch your DS' day into yesterdays'!
(in this case i don't consider it a cheating, not everyone had the time to play)

You can collect 6 different eggs in 6 different ways:
-breaking rocks
-shaking trees
-hit balloons with the slingshot

There's a limited quantity of them, but they are easy to find and are still a lot! 

Yay caught this fishy i didn't have yet in my enciclopedia, but how about eggs?


Ta-daa! Got an egg too! This is actually my favorite, so cute looks like a little mermaid's tail!

Time to dive

After giving an egg of each type to Zipper, you'll receive an easter basket! Supercute!!
You can also eat the eggs, inside of them you can find either a prize ticket or a candy.

You can find ants if you drop a candy on the floor and wait! They'll appear after a while.
You'll get an egg forniture from exchanging the prize ticket, extremely cute and pastel!! While the grand-prize ticket will get you a picture of Zipper! Creepy bunny.

My Easter themed room:

Took me forever to make this post, i'm literally doing this and that nonstop!! Having fun has a price, no time to sleep or relax a bit! haha I'll post all the pictures taken here in Florence in my next posts, did a photoshoot today! ;)

I hope you liked this post even if you're not an ACNL player! I had fun writing this little comics, the face expressions are so hilarious!! If you're in holiday like me, happy holidays. HAVE FUN!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!! Fine for me i'm following your blog it's so well made! :)
